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Fighting for What We Believe In. Together.

As a movement, Black Lives Matter has become a symbol of hope for the future of people of color. Bringing forward the examination of race, ideologies, culture, and protection in America, BLM embodies the desire for African-Americans to not only be heard but embraced as Americans with the same rights as those around them. The Black Lives Matter movement was created following the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin and the acquittal of his murderer in 2012. This stand against police brutality in America sparked a movement that is still creating change 11 years later.

In 2023, the Black Lives Matter movement maintains it's focus on ending police brutality and racial inequities while also branching out in support for mental health access, LGBTQIA+ communities, voter access, teaching black history in schools, and employee rights. As a human rights organization, the movement has focused on having the hard conversations that address the deep rooted structures that aid and allow systemic racism to flourish in America and the steps that communities can take in order to restructure and create a more equitable America for the future generations to come. 

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